Thursday 10 November 2011

Tips on taking care of canvas top

Riding a canvas top four-wheeler is just a pride and pleasure. But, it needs a special treat to keep the canvas from damaged or decayed. Mostly, the cause of the damege is due to unproperly care and the weather influence. Generaly, canvas top is made of vinyl or nylon (fabric), which is required special care and regular turnover.
            These are some tips on how to care canvas top so it can not easily damaged or decayed;

  1. The first way is to brush it gently and carefully, lowered the risk for the plastic window from being scratched when brushing.
  2. Vinyl canvas should not be sprayed with wax, use a special vinyl liquid cleaner then wipe it gently. If there is no special vinyl liquid cleaner, then use shampoo mixed with warm water.
  3. As for the nylon roof top, it should be brushed very carefully using an addition of detergent without the bleaching agent. Don’t brush it hard, it can damage the surface.
  4. Make sure all of dirt has been lifted when brushing. If there is still dirt left, flush it with water and then wipe it with detergent.
  5. when it’s done, immediately wash it with a clean cloth or towel. Then dry it but don’t exposed it directly to the sunlight. And don’t fold the roof if it’s not completely dry.
  6. If it is being wet from the rain, don’t just straight put it into garage. Let the wind help the drying process.

We hope that these small tips can help you keep your canvas top four-wheeler always looks good.


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